FMEC Student Scholarship Program

The FMEC inspires students to seek careers in family medicine. Medical students first attended the FMEC Annual Meeting in 1992, through an initiative started by Dr. Nik Zervanos.

Since then, the FMEC has provided more than 7,000 scholarships. Students attending our meeting increase their interest in family medicine and primary care, get experience presenting posters, and often apply to family medicine residency programs they meet at the meeting’s Residency Fair.

Click to donate

A $500 donation supports one student scholarship, but donations of any amount are welcome.
Each scholarship includes:

  • FMEC membership for one year
  • Annual Meeting registration fee
  • All conference-provided meals and breaks
  • Two (2) nights in the hotel (double bedded room shared with another scholarship student)
  • Admittance to Residency Fair and all academic programming
  • One-on-one support from the FMEC Student Coordinator
  • A pre-meeting orientation and Q&A session to prepare you for the meeting

The FMEC relies on the generosity of our members and institutions throughout the country to provide funds so we can bring 300 students to the meeting each year. Please donate today to support FMEC student scholarships – any amount is appreciated. 

 Thank you to our 2024 Annual Meeting Student Scholarship Donors

 Major Donors - ($2,500 and over)
