2024 Plenary Speakers Announced! September 19-21 | Philadelphia Marriott | Philadelphia, PA
The Family Medicine Education Consortium (FMEC) will hold its 2024 Annual Meeting at the Philadelphia Marriott in Philadelphia, PA from September 19-21, 2024. Plenary speakers will include Dr. Margot Savoy, Jim Zervanos and Dr. Nik Zervanos, and Dr. Anita Ravi, who will show the power and breadth of family medicine and educate and enlighten the audience about critical and emerging issues for primary healthcare.Read more
Individual / Pre-conference - On-site registration is now the only option.
Student Scholarship Application - email Jen at [email protected] to be waitlisted
Join a Virtual Showcase
We are offering virtual meetings to introduce interested medical students and others to the many outstanding Family Medicine Residency Programs in the northeast U.S. Faculty in family medicine residency programs present on an emerging and exciting topic in family medicine, while also spotlighting their residency programs and what makes them strong and unique.
Philadelphia Marriott | 1200 Filbert Street | Philadelphia, PA 19107
Thanks for joining us in Providence!
The 2023 FMEC Annual Meeting was a great success! Attendees gathered, learned, shared and celebrated as the meeting showcased how Family Medicine Anchors Patients and Communities.
Thanks to all who attended! We look forward to seeing you all next year in Philadelphia, PA, September 19-21.