Partner BenefitsBenefits Flyer
To support and sustain the important and unique work of the Family Medicine Education Consortium, the FMEC offers medical schools, residency training programs, and health systems the opportunity to become an FMEC Partner. We offer different levels of recognition with the following associated benefits.
FMEC partnerships last for 12 months from the date you join.

Partner Levels
Bronze $1,000
Silver $2,500
Gold $5,000
Platinum $10,000
President $25,000 

For more information on benefits, see the benefits flyer above. 
Interested in becoming a partner? Please contact Scott Allen, MS at [email protected] or Shayla Rammel at [email protected]

New Discount on Rosh Review for FMEC Members!

Rosh Review is the official board review partner of the FMEC for the 2023/2024 academic year and is offering an additional 10% discount beyond their standard residency program discount rate. To learn more, visit Rosh Review Discount Exclusive for FMEC Members.

Guide to Joining the FMEC 

Bronze Level ($1,000) 
  • If you are an individual family medicine residency (FMR) and plan to participate in the FMEC Residency Fair and/or the FMEC initiatives to support meeting ACGME requirements, join at the Bronze ($1,000) Level.
  • If you are a medical school and your students want to attend the FMEC Annual Meeting on FMEC scholarships, join at the Bronze ($1,000) Level. (As of 2022, the requirement for medical schools to be partners for their students to receive scholarships will be enforced.) 
Silver Level ($2,500)
  • If your residents and faculty attend and/or present at the FMEC Annual Meeting, join at the Silver ($2,500) or Gold ($5,000) Levels, so they receive individual FMEC memberships and get discounts on meeting registrations.
  • If you need to advertise jobs and fellowships to 5,000+ health care providers throughout the northeast, join at the Silver ($2,500) Level or higher. 
Gold Level ($5,000), Platinum Level ($10,000) and President Level ($25,000) 
  • If your system has mutiple FMRs who want to participate with FMEC, join at the Gold ($5,000) Level or higher to enroll your FMRs as Bronze Partners.
  • If you want to get exposure throughout the northeast as a leader in family medicine, and promote your faculty and their accomplishments through the FMEC, join at the Gold ($5,000) Level or higher to be featured in FMEC communications.
  • If you want to really stand out at the FMEC Annual Meeting, consider the Platinum ($10,000) and President ($25,000) Levels. 
All Partner Levels 
  • If you support the FMEC's goals to strengthen family medicine, support faculty development, help residents transition to their careers, and inspire medical students to choose family medicine, join at any level! 

For more information on benefits, see the Benefits Flyer